Increase of the minimum wage in 2023

Starting on January 1st, 2023, the general minimum wage in Mexico will increase as follows:

  • From $172.87 pesos per day to $207.44 pesos per day in the entire country except for the free zone located on the northern border of the country, and
  • From $260.34 pesos per day to $312.41 pesos per day in the free zone, located on the country’s northern border.

The free zone in the country’s northern border includes all the cities located on a strip of land 25 kilometers from the border with the United States of America.

It is important to note that the minimum wage for professionals will increase by 20% depending on the profession or activity.

In addition to the above, deriving from the salary increase, the social cost of the companies’ operations will increase. Some of the concepts that will increase are:

  • Labor-indexed premiums or bonuses.
  • Social Security premium.
  • Housing premium.
  • Savings funds.
  • Employment benefits and
  • Ordinary or extraordinary labor unions premiums or fees.

It is very important that employers are aware that the reduction of the salary of an employee or the unilateral elimination of labor benefits is prohibited by Federal Labor Law. Employers should be cautious with the strategies that may be implemented to impact the minimum wage increase due to the fact that such strategies may result in labor rescission claims, labor inspections, or fines that could generate significant costs to employers.

Our labor law specialists will be glad to assist you and answer any questions that you may have relating to this matter or any other legal aspect that may have any implications for your company or organization.

We remain at your service.

For specific questions regarding the increase in the minimum wage, please get in touch with us.

Alejandro Pedrín   |
Héctor Torres-López   |
Leobardo Tenorio-Malof   |
Mauricio Tortolero   |
Alejandro Ceballos   |
Elio Sánchez   |
Iván Curiel-Villaseñor   |
Raúl Escamilla-Sanromán   |
Isaac Zatarain-Valenzuela  |


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