Seventh Amendment Update of the Mexican Harmonized Tariff Schedule (TIGIE)

For procedures of the Ministry of Economy in the Foreign Trade web portal (VUCEM)

Through the Foreign Trade web portal, the Ministry of Economy released information sheet No. 07 on November 14, 2022, to publish the “Strategy for the operation of the implementation of the Seventh Amendment of the Mexican Harmonized Tariff Schedule.”

The strategy considers the following:

  • Adjustments of computer systems.
  • Addition of new tariff codes.
  • Update the catalog of the TIGIE that feeds the Foreign Trade web portal.
  • Update other instruments and programs that regulate new tariff codes and eliminate tariff codes removed in the current TIGIE.

The information sheet indicates that not only the possibility for users to submit applications depends on this update, but also that the officials responsible for reviewing the applications can operate them.

In a general way, the strategy establishes the guidelines for (a) Current Authorizations, (b) The Deadline to receive applications with 2020 HTS codes, and (c) New applications of the following procedures:

A. Import and Export Permits

B. Notices

C. Certificates of origin

D. Border Registration

E. Promotion Programs (e.g., IMMEX, PROSEC)

F. Quotas

G. Alternative Scheme for compliance with Automatic Steel Import Notices.

H. Official Mexican Standards (NOM)

I. Drawback

For a better understanding and application, you can consult the information sheet and “the Strategy for the operation of the implementation of the Seventh Amendment of the TIGIE” in the following links:

Information Sheet

Strategy for the operation


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