New Specific Technical Guidelines for the Reopening of Economic Activities

On May 29, 2020, the Ministry of Health published in the Federal Official Gazette the Executive Order by which Specific Technical Guidelines for the Reopening of Economic Activities are established (the “Guidelines”), which came into force as of such date.

The Guidelines are basically a compilation of what was previously published, mentioning how to determine, for example, the size of the company and other measures for at-risk employees, a list of essential activities, and the protective equipment that must be provided to employees.

This is a summary:

  •  All essential companies must file their self-assessment.
  • The Guidelines are of general application for all activities. So it is important to review them and establish which are required or indispensable for their operation, depending on the size of the company.
  • Construction, mining, and the manufacturing of transportation equipment companies must file their self-assessment to be able to re-open operations, even, after June 1, 2020, or to operate at the maximum risk level.
  • Certain protocols and guidelines must be prepared for the required Guidelines.
  • At the maximum risk level, only companies with essential operations can operate.
  • For the High-risk level, non-essential companies can operate and have no obligation to submit their self-assessment, but they do need to follow the Guidelines and strictly apply safety and health protocols.
  • The self-assessment of non-essential companies is voluntary.
  • A table that determines, by sector and number of employees, the size of a company, which can be micro and small, medium, or large.
  • Depending on the size of the company, the Guidelines establish the measures that are required or indispensable and those that are recommended to be implemented.
  • For at-risk employees, there are special measures and regulations to consider at all risk levels. It is important that companies are aware of the possible legal implications of non-compliance with such regulations.
  • Each company must have a Covid-19 committee or a person responsible for implementing the Guidelines.
  • For levels of epidemiology are established: Maximum, High, Intermediate, and Day-to-day.
  • A table of levels of epidemiology risks is included, describing the activities that can operate on each level and the activities that can’t operate, as well as examples of the measures that can be taken on each level.

Please let us know if you have any comments or questions regarding the Guidelines, or if you need us to review your company’s measures to confirm that they comply with the Guidelines.

Alejandro Pedrín   |
Héctor Torres-López   |
Leobardo Tenorio-Malof   |
Mauricio Tortolero   |
Daniel Gancz-Kahan   |
Alejandro Ceballos   |
Elio Sánchez   |
Iván Curiel-Villaseñor   |
Raúl Escamilla-Sanromán   |


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